
The 病人权利法案 exists to ensure that the rights and dignity of each person receiving our services are 尊重ed.

  1. 病人应该得到体贴的治疗, 尊重, 充分承认病人的尊严和个性, 包括治疗和个人护理中的隐私,包括被告知姓名, 许可状态, 以及所有与患者有过接触的人员的职位, 根据RSA 151:3-b.
  2. The 病人 shall be fully informed of a 病人’s rights and responsibilities and of all procedures governing 病人 conduct and responsibilities. 这些信息必须在入学Top或入学时以口头和书面形式提供, 紧急情况除外. 收到信息后,患者必须以书面形式确认. 当病人缺乏做出明智判断的能力时, 签名必须由对患者负有法律责任的人签署.
  3. 应以书面形式充分告知患者, 用病人能理解的语言, 在病人入院Top或入院时,以及必要时在病人住院期间, of the 设施’s basic per diem rate and of those services included and not included in the basic per diem rate. A statement of services that are not normally covered by Medi护理 or Medicaid shall also be included in this disclosure.
  4. 医疗保健提供者应将其医疗状况充分告知患者, 医疗保健需求, 诊断测试结果, 包括 the manner by which such results will be provided and the expected time interval between testing and receiving results, 除非在医学上是不可取的,并在医疗记录中记录, and shall be given the opportunity to participate in the planning of his or her total 护理 and medical treatment, 拒绝治疗, 并且只有在病人书面同意的情况下才能参与实验研究. 为本段之目的, "医疗保健提供者"指任何人, 公司, 设施, 或获得本州许可或合法提供医疗保健服务的机构, 包括, 但不限于, 一名医生, 医院或其他医疗机构, 牙医, 护士, 验光师, 足, 物理治疗师, 或心理学家, 还有其他军官吗?, 员工, or agent of such provider acting in the course and scope of employment or agency related to or supportive of health护理 services.
  5. The 病人 shall be transferred or discharged after appropriate discharge planning only for medical reasons, 为了病人或其他病人的利益, 如果设施停止运行, 或者因为没有支付病人的住院费, 社会保障法第十八章或第十九章禁止的除外. No 病人 shall be involuntarily discharged from a 设施 because the 病人 becomes eligible for Medicaid as a 付款来源.
  6. The 病人 shall be encouraged and assisted throughout the 病人’s stay to exercise the 病人’s rights as a 病人 and citizen. The 病人 may voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services to 设施 staff or outside representatives free from restraint, 干扰, 强迫, 歧视, 或报复.
  7. 允许患者管理自己的个人财务. 如果病人以书面形式授权医疗机构协助管理,而医疗机构也同意, the assistance shall be carried out in accordance with the 病人’s rights under this subdivision and in conformance with state law and rules.
  8. 病人应不受情绪影响, 心理, 性虐待和身体虐待以及剥削, 忽视, 体罚, 非自愿隔离.
  9. The 病人 shall be free from chemical and physical restraints except when they are authorized in writing by 一名医生 for a specific and limited time necessary to protect the 病人 or others from injury. 紧急情况下, restraints may be authorized by the designated professional staff member in order to protect the 病人 or others from injury. The staff member must promptly report such action to the physician and document same in the medical records.
  10. The 病人 shall be ensured confidential treatment of all information contained in the 病人’s personal and clinical record, 包括存储在自动数据库中的数据, and the 病人’s written consent shall be required for the release of information to anyone not otherwise authorized by law to receive it. Medical information contained in the medical records at any 设施 licensed under this chapter shall be deemed to be the property of the 病人. 应要求,患者有权获得这些记录的副本. 复制病人病历的收费,如为Top30页,不得超过15元或超过$.每页50英镑, whichever is greater; provided, 那就是拷贝拍摄下来的唱片,比如放射线图, x射线, 声像图应当以合理的价格复制.
  11. 不得要求患者为该机构提供服务. 在适当的治疗或转移目的,并由病人同意, 这些服务可以包括在护理和治疗计划中.
  12. 与患者自由交流, 联想到, 和任何人私下见面, 包括家庭和居民团体, 除非这样做会侵犯其他病人的权利. 病人可以发送和接收未开封的私人邮件. 病人有权在不受监控的情况下定期使用电话.
  13. 患者可自由参加任何社会活动, 宗教, 还有社区团体, 除非这样做会侵犯其他病人的权利.
  14. 在空间允许的情况下,患者可以自由保留和使用个人衣物和物品, Top提是不侵犯其他病人的权利.
  15. 病人应有权享有探视和, 如果结婚了, to share a room with his or her spouse if both are 病人s in the same 设施 and where both 病人s consent unless it is medically contraindicated and so documented by 一名医生. The 病人 has the right to reside and receive services in the 设施 with reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences, 包括选择房间和室友, 除非个人或其他病人的健康和安全会受到威胁.
  16. 不得因年龄而拒绝给予病人适当的照顾, 性, 性别认同, 性取向, 比赛, color, 婚姻状况, 家族的地位, 残疾, 宗教, 国家的起源, 收入来源, 付款来源, 或职业.
  17. 患者有权由其选择的医生进行治疗, 根据工厂有关工厂认证过程的合理规章制度.
  18. 患者有权拥有患者的父母, 如果是未成年人, 或配偶, 或者近亲, 或者未婚伴侣, 或者由患者选择的个人代表, 如果是成年人, 参观设施, 没有限制, 如果病人被负责照顾病人的医生认为是绝症.
  19. The 病人 shall be entitled to receive representatives of approved organizations as provided in RSA 151:28.
  20. 病人不得被拒绝入院 to the 设施 based on Medicaid as a 付款来源 when there is available space in the 设施.
  21. 以病人保险计划的条款和条件为准, the 病人 shall have access to any provider in his or her insurance plan network and referral to a provider or 设施 within such network shall not be unreasonably withheld pursuant to RSA 420-J:8, 十四.
  22. 病人不得被拒绝入院, 护理, 或者仅仅根据病人的疫苗接种情况提供服务.
  23. 耐心的支持. (a)除了第18段所规定的权利之外, 病人有权指定配偶, 家庭成员, 或者在病人接受治疗期间可能会访问该机构的护理人员. 未成年患者可能有父母, 《皇冠app》, 在未成年病人接受治疗时,由一个人代替父母Top往医院.


(1)尽管有(a)项的规定, 在下列情况下,卫生保健机构可制定限制或限制探视的探视政策:

(A) The presence of visitors would be medically or therapeutically contraindicated in the best clinical judgment of health 护理 professionals;


(C)游客在搞破坏, 威胁, 或者对任何工作人员有暴力行为, 病人, or another visitor; or


(2)应请求, 病人或病人的代表, 如果病人丧失行为能力, 应提供本款规定的拒绝或撤销探视权的理由.

(c) A health 护理 设施 may require visitors to wear personal protective equipment provided by the 设施, 或由访客提供并经设施批准. A health 护理 设施 may require visitors to comply with reasonable safety protocols and rules of conduct. 不符合本款规定的,医疗机构得撤销探视权.

(d) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require a health 护理 设施 to allow a visitor to enter an operating room, 隔离房, 隔离装置, behavioral health setting or other typically restricted area or to remain present during the administration of emergency 护理 in critical situations. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require a health 护理 设施 to allow a visitor access beyond the rooms, 单位, 或者病人接受治疗的病房,或者在医疗机构的一般公共区域之外.

(e)本款规定的权利不应终止, 暂停, 或者被医疗机构放弃了, 卫生与公众服务部, 或者任何政府实体, 尽管州长或立法机关已宣布紧急状态. No health 护理 设施 licensed pursuant to RSA 151:2 shall require a 病人 to waive the rights specified in this paragraph.

(f)根据RSA 151:2获得许可的每个保健设施应在其网站上公布:


(2) The 病人s' bill of rights which applies to the 设施 on its website; and

(3)详述本段规定的权利和责任的医院探视政策, 以及医院网站上的书面政策对这些权利的限制.

(g)除非联邦法律或条例明确要求, the department or any other state agency shall not take any action arising out of this paragraph against a health 护理 设施 for:


(2) Failing to protect or otherwise ensure the safety or comfort of a visitor given access to a property or location controlled by the health 护理 设施;

(3) The acts or omissions of any visitor who is given access to a property or location controlled by the health 护理 设施.

Source. 1981, 453:1. 1989, 43:1. 1990, 18:1-6; 140:2, XI. 1991, 365:10. 1992, 78:1. 1997, 108:6; 331:3-8. 1998, 199:2; 388:5, 6. 2001, 85:1,等. 8月. 18, 2001. 2009, 25 (1), f. 9月. 14, 2009. 2013, 26 (5): 1 - 3. 1月. 1, 2014. 2019, 32 (2):6. 10月. 15, 2019. 2020, 39 (6): 61,62. 1月. [j] .科学通报,2016,32 (2):1 - 2. 2022年5月,304:2. 2022年7月.

有任何问题都可以, 担忧, 或对所提供的护理或服务水平的投诉, 皇冠app鼓励您及时将此情况告知护理团队的任何成员.

病人关系的工作人员可以讨论和审查申诉或关切,你有. 您的关切将以保密的方式处理. 周一至周五可通过电话与患者关系联系, 上午八时至下午四时,电话:(603)230-1902, 电邮地址: ptrelations@crhc.org 或以书面形式,在康科德普莱森特街250号,NH 03301的康科德医院病人关系处.

关注的问题也可指向: 新罕布什尔州: 新罕布什尔州卫生与公众服务部, 卫生设施管理局, 普莱森街129号, 康科德,NH 03301, (603) 271-9499 or 1 (800) 852-3345, ext. 9499; 医院认证: DNV医疗保健美国公司., 地址:医院投诉4435 Aicholtz路, Ste 900, 辛辛那提, OH 45245, 或1(866)496-9647或传真(281)870-4818. 仅限医疗保险患者: Kepro, BFCC-QIO程序, 岩跑中心, 隆巴多中心大道5700号, 100套房, 七山, OH 44131, or 1 (216) 447-9604.